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A Call to Prayer for Peace and Freedom
The Christchurch, New Zealand Shootings—full text of speech delivered at United for Human Rights’ Stand Together Dr. Arik Greenberg March 30, 2019 (at the Lebanon Theater, Church of Scientology, Los Angeles) Unabridged, original version of speech. Brenton Tarrant, a...
read morePhony Christians And Their Hate-filled Flavor Of The Month
I was reminded recently of something that happened a few years ago, but which I had neglected to share with you, my friends. In June of 2015, the Institute for ReligiousTolerance, Peace and Justice received a letter in the mail that had no return address. The...
read moreNotes about Lauren Southern’s interview with Sky News in Australia
At the end of July, I came across a short video of an Australian television interview with Lauren Southern, who is a Canadian alt-right activist, internet personality, and self-proclaimed journalist. In this video, she makes sweeping generalizations about Islam,...
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